Association Test (IAT).

Association Test (IAT).

With an Association Test (IAT) we find out through the "reaction time task" to what extent certain memories or associations are evoked and how strong the link is with the brand, service or topic.

Association Test (IAT) Blue Research
Association Test (IAT).

We use the Implicit Association Test (IAT) in (brand) studies of implicit attitudes and biases. It is a method by which we can reliably and validly measure unconscious associations.

Respondents are presented with a series of stimuli, such as words or pictures. The respondent is shown different words and/or pictures one at a time and makes a choice. The responses are categorized and the rules change per round so that their influence on reaction time can be measured.

We measure the unconscious associations between different concepts based on speed, to what extent certain values or associations are evoked and how strong the link is with the brand, service or topic.

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