Branding & Communication

Pre-testing your campaign energizes, like the sun

Love how the days are getting longer again and you feel those warm rays of the sun on your skin. It gives energy. Those rays of the sun can also be converted into electricity, through solar panels, for example. To show how we can enjoy the sun's energy, Eneco developed a new communication campaign with Dawn. Blauw used our communication concept test to investigate what the target group thought of the campaign. It became clear that this campaign brought a positive message for Eneco and for the sun on many levels.





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Two days of research, with room for interim optimization

Spread over two days, we spoke to 10 respondents. Each day 5 interviews. We organized the interviews all online because of COVID-19. Watching them is therefore child's play. It can even be done anonymously. At the end of Day 1, we concluded with a verbal debrief with the researchers, Eneco and Dawn. This allowed the resources to be fine-tuned before the second day of research and then immediately tested again. Even during the research there was thus opportunity for a more in-depth study with optimized resources.

And that energy? What about that?

That energy was in several areas:

  • We got the energy from the feedback from respondents. It's always nice to see direct and live responses from the target audience. It brings your campaign to life and exposes any pain points that you don't see yourself when you are so deep in the development of the campaign.
  • Reactions to the campaign were positive. Almost everyone maintained a positive feeling after seeing the various expressions. This was due to the sunny message, as well as the chosen style of the campaign. In addition, the campaign contributed to a good feeling about the brand.
  • Message delivery was variable and at different levels. On the first day, the feedback provided sufficient guidance to sharpen the resources. This made it possible to immediately test a tightened version on day two. And with this second layer of feedback, Eneco and Dawn were then able to make further optimizations.
  • Sparring together about the campaign, the feedback from respondents and how to improve it in the campaign also gives energy. You really do it together.
  • And finally, it was also just very sunny weather those days!

Want to know more about our communication concept test? Read more here



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Dori van Rosmalen
Dori van Rosmalen