La Lorraine Bakery Group
Marketing Strategy

Growth opportunities for a foreign company in the Dutch market

Perhaps you recognize it: you walk past the bakery section of the supermarket and smell the wonderful aroma of fresh croissants and just-baked bread. That would not be possible without parties like La Lorraine Bakery Group (LLBG). Because they are one of the makers of all that goodness. LLBG wants insight into how bakery departments of supermarkets are valued by consumers. The company wants to be able to better advise supermarkets so that bakery departments can meet consumer needs even better. Blauw helped find the answers to these pressing questions.


Layout of the bakery department from the consumer's point of view

To understand consumers, we started with qualitative research through a research community. In it, we explored consumers' needs, attitudes and behaviors regarding fresh bakery products in the supermarket.

For example, as part of this, we conducted a task where consumers were asked to categorize the wide assortment themselves into groups. In this way, we learned how consumers categorize the department themselves. And how this is different from LLBG's own categorization. When you let consumer needs guide how you offer products in the supermarket, it will create growth opportunities.


Responding to different needs per product for an optimal department

With a quantitative study, we validated the insights. We focused on a number of different bread categories, which emerged from the qualitative grouping. For each of these product groups, we asked about the purchasing process and underlying needs. From this we gained insights into where the categories differ from each other and where they are similar to each other.

Information critical to driving sales within the bakery department and optimizing the shopping experience. For example, products that are purchased on a scheduled basis and where people vary little should be presented as clearly as possible. Ease of purchase are key. For spontaneous and varied purchases, it is advisable to offer more experiences and combinations and innovations. It is all about inspiration.


Convincing retailers of your expertise

The study also provided insight into the strengths and weaknesses of each supermarket's bread department. Among other things, we did this by conducting an analysis on satisfaction with the supermarket's bread department and the drivers behind it. The results of this analysis help LLBG identify and communicate specific areas for improvement to the various retailers.


One survey, one report

From the survey, we identified specific opportunities for LLBG. We delivered the results of the research in one integrated report. This way we don't deliver a variety of separate research findings, but one common thread that ultimately helps LLBG better understand the bread consumer and achieve their desired growth.

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Frederieke van Leeuwen
Frederieke van Leeuwen