How StudyGo uses product research for its campaign on online tutoring
Futurewhiz is the company behind StudyGo and Squla. For the major rollout of the tutoring package StudyGo Pro, Futurewhiz wanted input for the marketing campaign. StudyGo Pro is a package with practice tests, explanation videos, chats with tutors and unlimited online tutoring. The main question was what the needs, motivations and barriers of parents of high school students are for taking online tutoring and how this could be addressed in the marketing campaign.

Focus groups to identify needs and behaviors
Qualitative research was conducted for StudyGo Pro, in the form of online focus groups with parents of high school students. In the focus groups, we started by identifying parents' needs in terms of tutoring. Many parents preferred tutoring that is completely tailored to the child's needs in terms of location, content and teacher/tutor. But many parents ran into the fact that tutoring is enormously expensive.
We then identified the steps parents take to get to tutoring. Often they first try to help their child themselves, but due to a lack of knowledge and time they quickly abandon this approach. If the desired help is not available at school or in the neighborhood, then they turn to tutoring. Interestingly, online tutoring is still relatively unknown among parents of secondary school students.
Evaluation of communication materials StudyGo Pro
In the focus groups, StudyGo Pro was presented using current communication materials, such as the website and content on social media. Parents were able to clearly indicate what appealed to them about the materials and what did not. Through the group setting, they came up with concrete points for improvement together.
Parents are very enthusiastic about StudyGo Pro's price, wide range, flexibility and trial period. One wish from parents was that they would like a regular tutor for the lessons. Parents also recommended that communication also be focused on the children themselves. Parents find it important that the desire for tutoring comes from the children and not imposed by them.
Concrete recommendations and inspiration for the marketing campaign
The needs study yielded concrete points for improvement of the communication materials, but also provided insight into the way parents oriented themselves to tutoring, so that this could also be addressed. Blauw advised schools to recommend StudyGo Pro, just as they already did with Squla.
The research also indicated what StudyGo Pro's strengths were, such as price, wide range, flexibility and probation. These points could be used as unique selling points in the marketing campaign. Futurewhiz adapted StudyGo Pro's communication materials after the needs assessment, and launched the marketing campaign.
Do you also need research to (further) develop your product (physical or online)? Please contact Nienke Vreugdenhil or Eveline de Wilt.
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